Daily Prayer

Written by Pastor Moshe Elijah

Father God Yahweh, Adonai Elohim El Shaddai, the Almighty God - Creator of Heaven and Earth, King of the Universe - Holy is Your Name.

I come to You in the Name of Adonai Yeshua Ha Mashiah, the Lord Jesus Christ, Your only begotten divine Son - the Jewish Messiah, the Saviour of the world.

I confess Adonai Yeshua Ha Mashiah as my Lord Adonai and Saviour.

Heavenly Father, please help me to do Your will to-day, to obey Your commandments of godly living, and to glorify Christ in my conduct, to please God in all that I do.

Please give me the anointing and strength of the Holy Spirit, led by Your Holy Spirit - the third Person of Your Holy Trinity - to do the will of God.

Lord of Lords and King of Kings, please protect my family and friends, as well as myself, and help us to walk along Your path of righteousness, godliness and truth. Please protect us from the devil and his whole kingdom of darkness through the power of the blood of the Lamb of God, the Lord Jesus Christ - Adonai Yeshua Ha Mashiah.

I thank you El Shaddai that through the blood of Christ I have been set free and delivered from the kingdom of darkness, and translated into the kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ - the kingdom of light and eternal life, with the blessings of Abraham.

Thank You Lord for the blessings of prosperity, protection and health through Christ.

Elohim Yahweh, please help me to please You. Please provide for my daily needs.

Please help me to forgive those who sin against me, and bless those who persecute me.

Lord God Almighty - Yahweh, I praise Your holy Name. Blessed be the Name of God forever. Baruch Hashem Adonai forever.

Bashem Adonai Yeshua Ha Mashiah - in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.