Excerpts: Testimony

I thank the almighty God for continuing to heal me through His precious blood. I also thank God for using His servant, Brother Moshe who has faithfully ministered to many through prayer.
It all began on Saturday, 3 April
After the meeting, l was walking slowly down the stairs as l had severe pain on both my legs due to sciatica. The pain on the right leg was more intense.
Brother Moshe saw me limping and asked me if l would like to be prayed over. I agreed without hesitating as l firmly believe in prayer.
Moshe began by asking me if l had asked Jesus into my heart and if l had any bitterness in my heart for anyone. I told him l knew the Lord as my Saviour and that l did not have any bitterness in my heart.
He then directed me to several verses in the Bible and asked me to read them aloud. Among the portions of Scripture was Isaiah 53:4-5
Brother Moshe claimed this verse and prayed for me. He asked me how l felt. The pain in the left leg was gone but l still had some tightness in the right leg. He continued to pray a second time. There was some ease on my leg but the pain had not totally gone. Moshe asked me to continue to claim God's Word. He asked me to follow up with more verses at home. I was followed up about two weeks later and prayed for again by Moshe. Though the pain has not totally left me l thank God for continuing to heal me. Brother Moshe refers to this as 'progressive healing'.
I believe that God will heal me totally in His time. I am certainly looking forward to that day. Amen and Amen!
Mrs J

Excerpts: Divine Healing

were far better than six months ago.
I attribute it to JEHOVAH RAFFA, GOD MY HEALER to have done this work of miracle and you Brother Moshe to be God's instrument in praying and giving us the verses in Scripture to read and mediate on daily. The Lord bless you Brother Moshe as you continue to be used as His Chosen Vessel.
All Praise, Glory and Honour goes to God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

Divine Healing

Many thanks for your fervent and earnest prayers for both my shoulders and arms on the 9th of March, 2019.
Praise the Lord, my shoulders and arms are less stiff and movement is easier and the pain has been reduced significantly.
I have read through the Bible verses that you gave me and am continuing to read the Lord's Word and His Promises of Healing and am claiming it on all my other ailments and thanking the Lord for His healing virtues. Jehovah Raffa, my Healer, , His Grace is sufficient for me!
May the Lord continue to use you Brother Moshe in this healing ministry and bless you according to His Riches in Glory.
Hallelujah Praise the Lord

Excerpts of Testimony of becoming born-again and Healing of partial deafness.

Moshe called me to join my company.
We got talking first and he asked if I was A Born Again Chtristian. I replied I have been a Christian all my life. "That wasn't what I asked ", said Moshe. "Are you Born Again". I replied," No". Moshe said, "OK can we go through a few questions?
I lost my hearing when the car back fired with the bonnet up and me inches in front.
blessed me in the name of Jesus, The son of God Who died to save us. We thanked Jesus for His blessings , for his love , and for cleansing our sins; then confirming our belief in Jesus , His love and divine gifts.
This only took a few minutes and during these precious seconds my hearing improved steadily. It is not quite 100% but SO much better and I feel so blessed, giving thanks and praising God and His Blessed Son Jesus every day.
Thank you
Mrs M

Divine Healing of knee and shoulder

I would like to sincerely thank you for your prayers for healing regarding ()
knee and my shoulder. I would also like to thank you for your efforts in reaching out to us.
I am pleased to inform you that your prayers have been heard from God and for the past week or so, both ()
and I have not had the need to medicate ourselves. We are able to walk for 1 hour every morning and ()
does not complain about his knees. My shoulder pain has decreased, if not completely ceased. I am so happy and relieved finally to have an easier lifestyle without the need for medication.
Could you please pray for healing again for me, for my molar tooth that has large abscesses. I would like to keep the tooth, just remove the infection.
I praise God, our greatest healer, for this blessing and also praise God for enabling ()
to cross paths with you.

Divine Healing of teeth,jaw,hands,feet plus other blessings

I contacted Rev. Moshe Elijah because I had a cracked tooth and severe pain in my upper and lower jaw. It was a number of weeks between the time I contacted him and his ministry by phone. During this time, I received prayer from a number of ministries and my pain had subsided by almost 90%. I also requested prayer for arthritic joints in my hands and three frost-bitten toes. Rev. Moshe's healing ministry was very thorough and I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit as he guided me through each stage. Of particular importance to me were the stages of forgiving others wholeheartedly, repentance, and receiving anew the infilling of the Holy Spirit. I am now able to eat foods that before hurt my tooth and i am believing in the continued process of my complete healing! I would also like to note that I am living with more peace in my heart and feel more love towards others. I thank God for Rev. Moshe and the Rock of Truth Ministry!

Testimony Excerpts: Testimonies of various Healings and Answers to prayers

I just want to give you an update of my progress since I last talked with you. I waited to write to you even though I completed my studies because I wanted to have more progress before I write to you. I've completed my homework of reading the 2 books of Corinthians, Isaiah 53, Psalms 1-10, 15, 24, Proverbs 1-10, Ephesians 4-5 plus I pray the two prayers every day. Praise the Lord, I continue to make progress every single day.

For example, I read different books, I invited friends to come to my home for dinners a couple of times, I started to do job search, I went to interviews, and today I helped out at the soup kitchen.

I would like to give our Lord Jesus Christ all glory, honor and credit for restoring my health, my mind and emotions and using Rev Moshe as an instrument for my healing.
Mrs H.M.

Divine Healing of Shoulders and arms

Hello Brother Moshe
Many thanks for your fervent and earnest prayers for both my shoulders and arms on the 9th of March, 2019.
Praise the Lord, my shoulders and arms are less stiff and movement is easier and the pain has been reduced significantly.
I have read through the Bible verses that you gave me and am continuing to read the Lord's Word and His Promises of Healing and am claiming it on all my other ailments and thanking the Lord for His healing virtues. Jehovah Raffa, my Healer, , His Grace is sufficient for me!
May the Lord continue to use you Brother Moshe in this healing ministry and bless you according to His Riches in Glory.
Hallelujah Praise the Lord


I went to the optometrist to have my glasses done and the optometrist said she saw some freckles in my left eye. She said come back in 2 weeks and she will check the eye again by taking some photos on my left eye.
A day before I went for my eye test, I met Rev. Moshe Elijah. Rev. Moshe prayed for my both eyes that YAHWEH will healed them and made them whole In The Name of YAHWEH. The next day, I went to the optometrist and she could not find any freckles in my left eye. She said it is only the pigment. Praise YAHWEH. GLORY TO YAHWEH for YAHWEH healed my both eyes completely. HALLELUJAH YAHWEH.

15 March 2019

Testimony of Healing

I have disillusionment in my mind all the time. It made me sad and thinking too much of negativity. Rev. Moshe Elijah prayed for me and I confessed all of my sin to YAHWEH. Rev. Moshe asked The LORD OF HEAVEN AND EARTH YAHWEH to heal my mind. After prayers, Rev. Moshe asked me any more negative thoughts in my mind. I said after Rev. Moshe Elijah prayed for healing of my DISILLUSIONMENT mind, the negative thoughts is no more. We give ALL THE GLORY, HONOURS AND THANKS TO YAHWEH. HALLELUJAH, YAHWEH STILL HEALS TODAY. YAHWEH IS LOVE. WE PRAISE AND GIVE ALL GLORY TO YAHWEH.

15 March 2019