Prepared by:Rev Moshe Elijah
Born Again Messianic Jew
Servant of the Lord Jesus Christ

1.Praise and Worship: 30 minutes
2.Preach the Gospel: 5-10 minutes

3.The Gospel is A Double Atonement:
For Salvation and Healing.

By grace through faith

(a) Salvation of spirit to become Born-Again with Eternal life

(b) Healing of body and soul

Relevant Scriptures:

(i) Isaiah 53:4-5
(ii) Luke 4:18-19
(iii) Psalm 103:1-5

4. Scriptures on Divine Healing:
(a) Isaiah 53:4-6, parts of verses 10,12 | (b) Matthew 8:16-17 | (c) 1 Peter 2:24 | (d) James 5:14-16 | (e) Mark 16:17-18 | (f) John 14:12-14 | (g) John 16:23

5. Need to be Holy and Obey the Will of God

Relevant Scriptures:

(a) Matthew 7:21 | (b) Matthew 7:13 | (c) Hebrews 12:14 | (d) Isaiah 59:2 | (e) Psalm 66:18 | (f) Matthew 5:48

6. Need to Forgive
Make a list of people who offended you to forgive later.

Relevant Scriptures:
(a) Matthew 6:14-15 | (b) Mark 11:25-26 | (c) Ephesians 4:26 | (d) Matthew 18:23-35

7. Need to Repent of Deeds of the Flesh
Make a list of deeds of the flesh to repent later

Relevant Scriptures:
(a) Galatians 5:19-21 | (b) Matthew 5:21-22 | (c) Matthew 5:27-28 | (d) Revelation 21:7-8

8. Need to Repent

Relevant Scriptures:

(a) Psalm 32:5 | (b) Proverbs 28:13 | (c) 1 John 1:9

9. Shofar blow
Calling people to forgive and repent, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

10. Consecration/Sanctification before God Everybody go to a corner of the room or another room and kneel down before God in humility to do the following actions:

(a) Forgive people on the list

(b) Confess, repent and renounce the deeds of the flesh on the list. (Only speak to God)

(c) The above actions must be done whole- heartedly to be effective with God. God looks at the heart for sincerity.

11. Lead people in prayer of Salvation/Re-dedication and Healing. The Gospel has already been preached in No.2 above. Divine Healing has already been discussed in No.3 and 4 above.

12. Holy Communion
(a) 1 Corinthians 11:23-31
(b) Search your heart -
Psalm 139:23-24; Psalm 26:2;
Whatever the Lord brings up, Confess/Repent/Renounce.
(c) Give thanks for the 2 emblems (bread and juice)
(d) Say the words of the Communion song first –
see attached document.
(e) Partake Holy Communion.

13. Ask God for Divine Healing and Blessings.

14. Ask people to come forward, one by one, with their specific, individual requests.

15. Pray for each one, one at a time. Then anoint them with oil, in the Name of The Lord Jesus Christ, for the Blessings of God.

16. Give Thanks
When all is done, give thanks to God for His goodness and all the blessings and mercies and compassion. Sing song of Thanksgiving. - See attached document

Give Thanks (Song)
Give thanks with a grateful heart,
Give thanks to the Holy One,
Give thanks because He's given us Jesus Christ,
His Son,

And now let the weak say, I am strong,
Let the poor say, I am rich, because of what
The Lord has done for us,
Give thanks.

17. Thanksgiving for 10 days
(a) Tell everyone to give thanks everyday, 3 times a day, for 10 days, to consolidate the blessings and receive further blessings. This also resists the devil with his doubts and other deceptions.
Relevant Scriptures:
(i) Psalm 107:13-16 | (ii) Colossians 3:15-17 | (iii) 2 Corinthians 2:14 | (iv) Luke 17:12-19 (10 lepers) | (v) Hebrews 13:15 KJV | (vi) Psalm 107:19-22

“See Appendix below for additional Scriptures”

(b) Testimony
Also, people should testify of Divine Healings, according to Revelation 12:11;

“And they overcame him (the devil) by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death.”

18. Blow shofar to end Divine Healing Ministry.

19. Praise the Lord.

20. Appendix of Additional Scriptures on Thanksgiving – NIV

(a) Psalm 69:29-31 | (b) Psalm 100:4 | (c) Jonah 2:9-10 | (d) Psalm 147:3,7 | (e) Colossians 2:6-7 | (f) 1 Corinthians 15:57 | (g) Ephesians 5:20 | (h) 1 Timothy 2:1 | (i) Psalm 95:2

21. God is able to Bless Us
Relevant Scriptures in NIV

(a) Matthew 21:22 | (b) Ephesians 2:6 | (c) Ephesians 3:20

22. Reminder
Remind them that thanksgiving and giving of testimonies of the blessings of God are powerful spiritual weapons to consolidate the blessings of God and close the door to the kingdom of darkness with their attempt to rob the blessings through doubt and wavering faith.
The devil will try and put thoughts of doubt, like in the case of Adam and Eve, in the garden of Eden.
For examples:
(a) Are you sure God has healed you?
(b) Maybe this divine healing is a figment of your imagination and etc, etc.
Relevant Scripture: John 10:10
“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”

23. Baruch Hashem Adonai Yeshua Ha Mashiakh
Blessed is the Name of The Lord Jesus Christ.

24. All glory and praise to the God Yahweh of Israel who is always good. God Yahweh is Almighty,
El Shaddai, the Creator of the Universe.
God is Loving, Merciful and Holy.
